Wednesday, June 29, 2005

...and then riverside north

I just like this old bridge so I thought I'd take a picture. Riverside north is pretty overgrown. rode through on my way home from L&C. One big tree down on the north end. Had to climb through it to get around. ~MOD Posted by Hello


mw said...

river trails in minneapolis has a similar bridge and the trails are sim. just ask omahole bootch.

ever seen that bridge in action? i haven't but i understand how they work.

Mark Savery said...

The big cable that's holding in place tied to a tree broke earlier in the year. Looks like someone had re-attached it. Things really cool though. huge gears and cogs at the base.

Mark Savery said...

If anyone tries to climb through that tree be careful, I may have got a pinch of poison ivy. Can't tell if it's a spider bite from L&C or poison ivy.