Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm alive, well...

Just wanted to thank everyone for all your well wishes. It's nice to know that you can do something completly stupid and still be loved. In my last week of drug induced fantasy I've laid to rest my hopes of freeride stardom and will now look on in admiration to those who do this a bit more naturally than I dared.

Wish I could say I have enjoyed laying around all day, watching TV and being waited on by a hot male nurse, but I'm really getting sick of the monotony. My collarbone is healing well although getting comfortable is always difficult. Tomorrow is phase two of the recovery when I go in to pay my dues for club mo' metal = mo' betta. While I'm not looking forward to this I can't wait to get this part over. I think it's kinda wierd I had to wait this long for surgery. Rox and MG, did you have to wait this long? I think it's really wrong that the surgeon told me the surgery is "REALLY GOING TO HURT". Needless to say, I'm a little anxious for tomorrow. Can you believe he said that to me?

Thanks again to everyone, I'll be talkin' to you soon

1 comment:

cvo said...

sorry about your surgery, I was offered it, and I was like NO FUCKING WAY, especialy when they told me how they numb you up...

your gonna stick that where... fuck you dude, I'll take the cast.

too bad I couldn't just walk in there with a bottle of jack and a big wooden mallet and get hit on the head after impersonating Bluto in animal house... (chug)

you need to get yourself an x box and play some grand theft auto, cap some bitches and run over some mo fo's It'll take your mind off the pain...

get well soon, and get some drugs for your surgery. legit, and not so legit (for your nerves ya know)...
