Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tony's memorial ride

Rusty and the BBC crew are having Tony's memorial ride this Thursday (tomorrow). I wish Anne and I could be thier but she'll be recovering from her wrist surgery. Ride Safe...details from Rusty.

Help spread the word!
This Thursday is the 3 year memorial of the passing of our friend, Tony Naikelis.  In a special tribute to Tony, we will meet in downtown Benson and ride to L&C old school style and back, with eats at the Pizza Shoppe in Benson.  The ride is long so if you aren't up for it plan to meet us along the way.  Here's some time checks.

Meet at Benson by the old Spin City at 6pm and leave at 6:20pm (Tony was always 5 minutes late!).
Meet at Playland Park between 6:45 and 7:00pm.  Meet at Big Lake Park about 7:20. Meet at L&C Monument at 7:30.  We will say a short prayer at the top and ride a lap.  Head back to Omaha and arriving at the Pizza Shoppe about 9:15pm or so. Hope to see as many as possible to remember Tony.



Anonymous said...

I'll be there. My first thurs night ride in over a month. I miss it. If I didn't have to work for a living I'd ride all the time.... To anyone that provides room & board and moderate pay, I'll ride all over the country advertising their cause with body art.
Unless Shim wants to hire me as a nanny with 6 hours of allotted ride time per day.
Any takers?


Mark Savery said...

Welcome back RF

John Lefler, Jr. said...

I cannot make the ride, but I wanted to share my fondest memory of Tony. Even though I hardly knew him, I liked being around him at the races and listening to his stories, etc. I remember when Jesse and I put together the Battle Royale Series in '02 and had a XC race at Platte. After the race, he walked up to me and said, "We've been wanting this for a long time. It's so cool to finally get to race here!" That feeling of accomplishment and giving people opportunities to do what they love is what gets me so psyched about race promotion. I will always remember that about Tony.

T-bone said...

I have to work at the motorcycle track tonight so I won't make the ride but I'll be at the Pizza Shop. One of my best memories of Tony was one ride we were on at the river trails after a big flood. We were taking a break and we heard some splashing around so we went to investigate. We found two huge catfish flopping around in a puddle gasping for air. We both looked at each other and Tony said "We have to do something". I said "No way am I going to pick up these huge slimmey stinky catfish". Tony said "Come on dude, they would help you out". Finally I caved and we attempted to pick up one of the fish but they were too slippery and we couldn't get a handle on them. So we had to get all the slime off them so we could pick them up. Finally we were able to get them back into the river and we were both happy we could help them out but we were both covered in fish slime. Anyway that is just one of my many great memories of I had with Tony. We miss you buddy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stories, I had similar experiences (too many to mention) but I remember how psyched he was to race at Platte and how long he talked about it before and after the race. I also had the opportunity to save a fish with Tony at the River Trails after a flood, but ours was a big ugly carp!
I seem to remember poking it with a stick for a while first.