yo! doolittle. WHAT UP! 'bout time you piped in. fer all you folks, doolittle works at Fox. Yep. from Plattsmouth to California, we got one of our own hangin with the big dawgs. he's also one of the original tres amigos (the three 70s-looking dudes on the pub crawl from recent years). unfortunately, distance doesn't allow him to come to the crawl, but he'll with us in spirit. Good to hear from you. email us pix whenever you can and I'll make sure they get posted.
Did you buy that cross bike you were lookin at a few weeks ago?
..then again, I imagine we would have seen a picture (or 2) or it by now if you did =)
I've been bugging him for months. I think it's a lost cause.
5 more days till
damaged brain cell cleanout...
yo! doolittle. WHAT UP! 'bout time you piped in. fer all you folks, doolittle works at Fox. Yep. from Plattsmouth to California, we got one of our own hangin with the big dawgs. he's also one of the original tres amigos (the three 70s-looking dudes on the pub crawl from recent years). unfortunately, distance doesn't allow him to come to the crawl, but he'll with us in spirit. Good to hear from you. email us pix whenever you can and I'll make sure they get posted.
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