Thursday, April 27, 2006

RF needs one of these

Yeah, so, Perry was fun. I knew I was missing out on that action. But it was supafun to mix it up with 250+ roadies at the Lincoln Plating Spring Classic. Its one helluvan event. And some early mornins for sure. Woke up at 5:30 Saturday and Sunday to rip up the skinny tires.

My weekend? Well, you could say that I'm a sucky time trialist. Or I'd prefer to say that I'm a sprint specialist :-). But what did we learn kids? Good sprinting is only good for the green jersey, you gotta be able to beat the clock. And I couldn't pull that off by just sittin in my drops. I can't believe how many amatuer roadies pull out $3k time trial rigs for this. How I am supposed to keep up with that? I got mountain bikes to look after. New tires purchased for this years bikes= $180, and I probably need more. Entry fees spent so far in 2006: $220. Time trial bike penny jar: $1.76. And on top of it, Gast has to remind me that all of this ridin and racin is just to train for Cx season. So, Cx bike penny jar: $2.13. Damn.


RF said...

Just one more thing to keep me from making a downpayment on a house. Real estate ain't gonna make me any faster, anyway.

cvo said...

cross season is commin, I'm saving up as well, but for different stuff...

cozzies, to hide my beer,
new cow bells to hand out,
new radio to listen to
new techno cd's for tunes on hooligan hill.
and fire wood to have campfires at races in my portable fire pit. mmmm chedder brats and beer in the morning at a bike race...

and a small savings account for any tickets I occur from the man..., cuz well, I'm not one to follow all the rules ya know...

we did miss you this weekend Rf.
see ya soon

dale said...

You make an interesting observation about how much coin an amateur road racer will drop on a bike. Why do you think road racers are willing to drop more coin for their bikes than mtb racers for their bikes?

RF said...

I'm not so sure thats true dale. Lets look at saddle time vs bike expenditure. Your avg beginner/sport mtb'er has some pretty darn nice equipment, and your beginner mtber probably rides 3 times a week. I see alot of XT/XTR and high end frames in the beginner categories. I think your avg cat 5 road racer rides 5 times a week, probably longer ride times than the mtber. And their bikes are usually mid-level, $1500- or so. I'd almost say that the avg cat 5 racer rides twice as much as the avg beg mtber, but both probably spend the same. So the mtber spends more dollars per hour in the saddle than the entry level road racer.

RF said...

Also, I think at Cat V road races, more people line up with a feeling like they could win. At any event. Even if you were tenth last weekend, you could get the right sprint leadout and get 2nd this weekend in a road race. But in MTB, you're top 5 pretty much stay consistent all year. I think this is why roadies seem more competitive, and perhaps a bit more willing to spend cash for that extra 'percieved' advantage.

Rusty Car said...

what part of MTB Omaha do you yahoos not understand (hint: MTB)?

RF said...


I am supposed to think that beef jerky and packing your stuff is "extreme"?

RF said...

RC-- The amount I've spent on entry fees this year is more "extreme" than your jerky. Maybe I should be posting on your blog.

Rusty Car said...

No jerkey for YOU! The Jerkey Nazi

P.S. my jerkey is extreme. Extremely tastey, extremely time consuming, and extremely pricey (for you, free to everyone else, no sharing Rox).

capn cowbell said...

I'm not sure if a pacifier is enough to stop the crying.

Shim said...

The Lincoln Plating Race is well done, no doubt, but when a stage race is so dependent on a time trial its hard to justify. You can go out and buy a time trial bike you'll only use twice a year, you can pay your fee and know your gonna be making a donation or you can find a cool MTB race, have a good time and make enough money to buy dinner at the Great Wolf Lodge.

Now that the Omaha weekend is going to be TT dependent, Landahl is looking pretty good.

Rusty Car said...

how about a single speed category at the Omaha weekend?

cvo said...

Rusty, you and I may have to trade recepies on Jerkey making,

I got the fire.

1 cup of crushed red peppers per 3 pounds of beef, normal cure, normal spice, and some extra black pepper.

it makes you sweat going in,

and you'll burn your bottom when it comes out...

now that is extreem jerkey.