I just wanted to ask everyone a quick question. As long as I've known, the Psycowpath races have been on Saturday. I know one objective of the races is to get more racers. Saturdays seldom ever work for me. Not that the races should change just so I can race, but what about Sundays? I just wanted a quick opinion and sentiment of the other riders. I know many shop rats would be out racing or at least hanging out, but Saturdays in a bike shop are difficult to staff. I know if they moved to Sunday, I'd give up my day of rest!
I second that motion. Even if I have the opportunity to race, it consists of finishing, immediately running home to clean up and hopefully making it to work on time. Racing at this point in time is only possible because I'm racing beginner, I'd never be able to make it to work if I were racing in the sport class.
I would agree.
I heard at one point that the reason the races were on Saturdays was so that we (NE racers) and other out of state racers could race both Saturday in NE and Sunday somewhere else. Only thing is, I never really see anyone travelling except for Jay and Cam.
I love racing, but I will NOT miss church ALL the time to race. My poor boss would have to find almost a whole new team, since I know most of our guys won't miss church either. Sunday is the Sabbath, and I plan to keep it that way. Therefore, I will not race more than once or twice on Sundays.
Oh, and mod, you obviously don't travel to races, cause it's not just Cam and Jay. The times I went to KC to race, there was about eight NE people, none of which were Cam and Jay.
they got church sunday evening too ya know. also saturday night. or, start going to the temple on saturdays. its all the same.
I'm above name calling, so I'm going to make this as nice as possible.
I'm not Jewish, I don't go to temple.
I'm not going to find some other church just because YOU want to race on Sundays. All I was saying is that I wouldn't race... not like they'll change it anyways.
I'm not Catholic, I don't go to mass.
Now that that is said, I was simply stating my oppinion. Last I checked, that was still something acceptable. I'm not going to yell at you for stating your oppinion, so don't yell at me.
I believe this is fall out from the "if the race is on Sunday that means I've got to have a day of rest on Saturday"...not the kind of rest like going to church, but the kind of rest that is like tapering for a race the following day. By having the race on Saturday, you open up a day of full on riding and training on Sunday...the other day of rest.
love ya, love ya, love ya, skinny...stirrin' the pot!
you bring good stuff to the table...i'd be frustrated, too, if it was me stuck in the shop. don't know the best answer...can't have an opinion 'cause i haven't raced, but i respects ya for bringin' it up for discussion!
Good idea, ted. I too would prefer Sundays and it sounds like moving the racing start time might make for a possible compromise.
Don't kill the messenger...For all the bike shop employees out there who say that the reason they don't race is because it's on a Saturday and they have to work...Who would honestly show up and race on Sunday? Numbers don't look good this year, and I don't think it's because of just the shop employees not getting to race, unless there's about 50 of you out there. Granted the weather hasn't cooperated. But there are how many races in the series this year...9 races basically one a month, you're telling me that you can't get someone to work for you once a month for a race? or that you can't take the day off or a few hours to race on Saturday?
Leave Saturday for Racin and Sunday for Recreatin and relaxin.
simple "soulution" for most of you racers, find a mountain biking Father to hold mass or whatever you are into, at the trailhead!!
I hesitate to join in the banter here, but wanted to express my opinion. I personally don't like the idea of Sunday morning racing. I make it a priority to attend my church service (we only meet at 10:00am on Sunday mornings) both because I feel it's important and a priority in my life, and because I participate in the service and feel an obligation in that respect.
I do understand the other points of view and see validity in the reasoning, so I could support Sunday afternoon racing as a compromise.
But please, don't attack someone because they have spiritual convictions or personal beliefs, we're all above that kind of behavior, aren't we?
Some of you missed my point.
Easy Leah, I am well aware of the fact that you and many other folks from Nebraska travel to regional races. Cam and Jay or two of the few that actually travel here to race. I am not aware of any instances when someone has raced in NE on Saturday and travelled out of state for a race on Sunday.
In response to Coach, it's not hard to find someone to work but it is hard to find 4,5,6 people to work if everyone wants to race. We can't just address bike shop employees but rather retail employees. I'm not suggesting that having races on Sundays will create a better turnout. But you said, Sundays should be left to recreate and relax. Me I recreate and relax by riding and occasionally racing my bike. Which I would race much more if the races were on Sundays.
I don't know of any other area where ALL the races are on Saturdays.
There are many solutions and the debate will go round and round. As long the events are on Saturdays, my presence will be spotty at best. My physical support at races will be spotty.
I don't think anybody is attacking anyone for their religous beliefs. If we're going down that road then what about the Seventh Day Adventists. Do we really want this debate to go there.
We're talking about 8 weekends a year here, that's 15% of the time for you engineer/mathmatician types. Let's be realitic and get back on (single)track.
Ted has a point as far as the Cat. 5 and beginner categories. I am a cat 5 and still pay $20 a race for 1/2 hour or more of racing on both Saturday's and Sunday's. That might be the market to target to get more people into racing. Maybe there needs to be some sort of grassroots campaign to get more people to our races. You don't need all the top equipment and latest gadget to race, just look at some the road bikes being raced some days. I realize that this started out about race days and attendance, but getting more people into the sport couldn't hurt.
Tour of KC maxed out their field of cat 5's with 75 riders both days. Granted that is a bigger market and bigger race. There is a way of getting bigger turnout, and that could be going to Sunday's as racing. Even if it was half and half, I would consider racing since Sunday's are a little more forgiving at the shop.
As for the religous part, a few sunday's missed would not really be the end of the world.
I am all for a few Sunday race dates. Plus, can't we just get the Ritchie brothers to help out? One can work security at make sure none of those non "racer-types" get into our pre-psycowpath service, which is obviously being lead by the other brother.
Oh great!
Now the roadies are chiming in!
Religion and road biking aside, the people have spoken, Dan. And it seems an overwhelming majority are in favor of atleast giving Sunday races a go.
Someone wanted to hear from beginners due to the income they provide for the races. I've spoken my piece, however I have several friends who are not employees at bike shops but who are limited by their work schedules nonetheless and unable to race on Saturdays... As is the case with many people of college age since most are employed in the retail industry. This is pretty relevant considering this age group holds the greatest potential to increase profit by joining beginner XC races.
hate, hate, hate, I be hatin' all day and all night.
oh Ted, I love it all. You know that, road, mtn, church goers, agnostics. Everyones cool in my book.
I'm just being selfish cause if races were on Sunday's I get to do a hell (oops, I mean heck) of a lot more races.
Better go grab another a beer and clean my bike for the weekend.
Leah, first welcome to the blog. second I don't think Dan did anything wrong by giving his opinion on what he would like. Just as you gave yours and that of your boss. I hope he still has a race team because that is very important to the sport.
As far as Sundays go, a vast majority of the races were on Sunday. That was changed in recent years for the purpose Mod stated. I put on the very first Mt. bike race (and series)in the area. Along with a road race series. Sundays had a great turnout we had over 248 people at one of our races. We did a fall, winter and spring Mt. bike series. All on Sundays. So I say lets have some Sunday races and see how it goes. Everything in life is a choice, we all will choose what day to race, ride, or worship. That's whats great about America. Choice! And just for FYI I work a 54 hour work week, work a part time job, and make time for church and racing every weekend. Even after two flats tonight I'm still happy that I was able to get out for a ride. Just remember, if you wouldn't say it to someones face don't say it in a blog. We all are cyclists. That's the binding and common theme throughout this discussion.
What's wrong if a roadie wants to play in the dirt?
Doesn't mean we can't rule the dirt as well as the pavement.
As stated earlier, and just an opinion, racing on Sunday would be the best since some could get their road miles in on Saturday's, and be ready to go on Sunday's.
So true it is. I recall racing with you and the WIRC. Funny how we rode on Wed, Thurs,raced on Sun and then did a Mon. night urban in downtown all as a group and loved it. You are right, we all should be gratefull for being cyclists and having the freedom to ride when we want and what we want.
I'm going for a night ride!!
Another roadie chiming in here. I'd be up for a weekend stage race. A Saturday race at the hilly Platte or Lewy and Clark, then a Sunday race on the flatter, Swanson or Wabash.
My opinion shouldn't hold much weight, though, since I'm a roadie first. I have my priorities straight. So any mtb race (Saturday or Sunday) that happens on a road race weekend, you won't see me.
However, if there was one day a weekend only, I'd go for Sunday afternoon. It'd be nice to have all of saturday open since more things are open then. You can go to the bank, post office, malls and such are open most of the day. On Sunday, not much is going on so racing then would be nice.
The Psycowpath Committee will discuss this again. Having a viable number of bikers who will not just talk about it but come out and race Sunday is only half of the equation.
We also need host clubs willing to setup, work the race, and tear down on Sunday. I don't think we could start the first race later than 2:00, second race 4:00, which means registration needs to be ready by noon, which means they have to be onsite by 11:00 to start race day setup.
Any clubs out there willing to host on Sunday?
The difference for me is that it takes 3-4 to man the store on Sundays, 6-7 to man the store on Saturdays, that automatically frees up 3-4 people, throw Highgear in the mix and that's 8, I don't know how many it really takes to set up and run a race but...
You could put on a race with 4 people. Premark the course the night before. The 4 for registration and they work the finish and placings . Get some peeps to help take down the course on their cool down laps. I've done it at times with less. I'm in for helping out Mod. Or organizing.
I'd volunteer to help setup on a Sunday morning. No need to do it the night before. I would love to wake up early on a Sunday morning to do some trail marking. Nothing like early morning trail riding with tape, hammer, and stakes.
With regard to campouts, that could still happen on Saturday night, then the racers could take part in the setup process. Just a thought.
Sunday afternoon races would also allow ample time to decide if the trails are dry enough to race. No more iffy post-ponement choices the day before races.
I believe that Sunday racing would boost the amount of riders that could show up for races. I work at a bike shop and have to work most Saturdays and can’t make it to the races. This is not just about bike shop people, anyone that works in the retail world has to work a lot of Saturdays. Also people also probably don’t come to races because Saturdays the stores are open, which means if they want to get things done over the weekend they do it on sat. I realize some people go to church on Sundays but that is a small portion of the riders. People can go to church other days god is always there he probably just wants you to go it doesn't have to be on the same day. Just wondering but did the change of the race day come from the riders or the promoters?
I was a part of the promotors team when we switched to all Saturday races. It was myself, Big Dean and Rustycar who made the decision. The year prior we had done both Saturday and Sunday races. The Sunday races alienated a big part of our core and the turn out was 20-25% lower. Most of the racers we spoke to who did all the Saturday and none of the Sundays races said they were not willing to skip their worship service (regardless of how they worshipped). The following year the numbers went up. Contrary to popular belief, the core group covers race expenses not the new riders. Rule number one, don't piss off the base. For what its worth.
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