Thursday, October 19, 2006

LOST and FOUND or better LUCKY than talented...

This is something I have to share. Well, since Tuesday, I am the proud owner of a head lamp and so I took it out to Swanson Tuesday night to test ride it...sweet! Back at the car, I was talking to Martin about the light, we were making sure that the dog got in the car and went home...
Tonight we wanted to go out again, Martin's first try back on his killer-bike. He is loading up all the gear and we realize that my shoes, my sidi dragon shoes are missing: F....!!!!!!!! I LEFT THEM SITTING IN THE PARKING LOT. I am SUPER upset and Martin tells me to chill ,nothing I could do now, but maybe blog a search warrent for the shoes.
Anyway we get to the parking lot and I kinda look around and Martin tells me to look in the trash cans ("WHO would throw bike shoes in the trash!??") AND believe it or not in the second can, at the bottom are my loyal dirty old bike shoes: They were fine and pretty dry so I took them out for another nightride, even though I couldn't help myself but smell that kind of trashy smell coming up from my pedals:)) Smelly or not, I am H A P P Y and feel super lucky to get them back. My life's motto comes true once again: better be lucky than talented!!

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