Monday, June 25, 2007

The Finger

My buddy 'Tornado' Tom takes on a tree at Manawa, and gets the Finger. Dislocated that is.


Mark Savery said...

Dude...pop that thing back into place, what are driving around for?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Get that looked don't want to be a freak like me! (:

dale said...

Probably got a bone spur from that. I had more pain from that than the broken clavical. Worth getting some meds to make you not care about the pain.

tornado said...

The doc straightened it for me. They gave me some heavy pain meds but I didn't take them. A little Ibuprofen and some ice is all.

Mod you just too hard core for me. Maybe Ill be as tough as you someday. :-)

VeloCC said...

Hart im nehmen der Tom!!

Cornbread said...


T-bone said...

Pull it out! (That's what she said).

Hey Tom, I can get rid of them pain meds for you if you don't need them.

Angrybutcher said...

Manawa's second victim in 2 days. I wonder if that's the tree I hit!

bryan said...

that finger looks perfectly fine to me.

Unknown said...

I saw this right after he fell. My first time on Manawa and didn't fell to great going down the same rocks after seeing his finger.