Friday, June 15, 2007

Manawa is looking good

TNR was sweet last night at Manawa. Man, I missed riding that place. It was an easy 10 degrees cooler along the river and the misquitos weren't near as bad as I thought they would by. Even after just a few laps, Larry, Annie, Todd and myself had kicked quite a bit of the debris off the trail. Should be a busy trail day on Monday. Hopefully we can get a good group of folks out with clippers and rakes.

This is what it looks like in the bad spots. The side route that Todd is walking is rideable. Most of the low lying areas look like this, everything is basically passable but the re-routes need a lot of work.

Kev and A-Ron rolled over from L&C, good luck this weekend at Crowder.

Larry's lovin' the 29'r, learning the ways of the force.


scott showen said...

its about time ol larry got a new bike, he will love that thing, welcome to the dark side.

Anonymous said...

Good luck @ Crowder, guys!