To continue the old stuff, after the 5-0, Roxy,
Berpa, and I headed to Yellowstone and the the Grand
Teton NP's for a little sight seeing. Good times and great hikes, keep the dinner bell on so the bears know where the fresh meal is. Only one bear sighting (cute little guy) and that was with in the first 30 minutes of being in the park.
But the best was yet to come we got to the Tetons Thursday evening in time for a beer and this.
Good times!!!
my little brother works at the tripple x ranch right to the east of the lake right there, he gets up and looks out his bedroom window and see's the tetons every morning... hell if you saw a cowboy with a couple hundred horses around him, good bet that was him...
Great way to wakeup every morning! I beat the riding out there is pretty rockin too.
That's the good life, or is it the High Life?
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