Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Plea from THOR

Friends of the dirt,

THOR is in need of bodies. With all of the wild weather last month, our trails have suffered greatly. I know you don't know this because it's been too wet to ride some of them, but it's true. Manawa is by far in the worst condition and it's going to take many volunteers on many days to clear away the down trees in order to have the race there in September. The trail leader said much of it can be ridden as soon as next weekend if people come to help. Aside from removing uprooted trees, log crossings and some of the benching near the river all have to be redone.

We have two months to get it back to it's beloved state before the Manawa Mayhem. I'm putting the challenge out to everyone. Every Friday and Tuesday evenings Steve Dickey and some others will be onsite to delegate and help. No person will be turned away. Rakes, loppers, chain saws, saws, weed wackers are all needed. And as precaution, it's mandatory that you wear long sleeve shirts, pants, gloves and boots. Poison Sumac grows on the trees that are down and you want to protect yourself.

If you can manage it, please come out and lend a hand. The more we have, the faster it will get done. It's only a couple hours each Tuesday and Friday 6-8pm. And any other time you can go out.

Thanks, everyone!

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