Monday, January 19, 2009

MoPac Trail We Need

I know a lot of people have signed this already, but here's a reminder from an email I received today:
The Lower Platte South NRD ( is responsible for connecting the Lied Platte River Pedestrian Bridge to the MoPAC Trail which currently goes from Lincoln to Eagle, Elmwood and Wabash. A subcommittee of 8 of their 21 board of directors voted not to send the connection project on to the full board for further action.

The Papio NRD ( has finalized the preparations to connect Omaha to the Lied Platte River Bridge. Completion of this connection is still probably years into the future due to issues like waiting for federal funding, etc. But, a plan is in place. If you believe that a continuous trail to Lincoln is a valuable make your opinion known to the Lower Platte South NRD.

Email the LPS NRD board and state that you want the trail: lpsnrd at or Sign this electronic petition
(You do not need to donate to i-petitions to electronically sign the petition.)

1 comment:

tornado said...

That is really bad. All that has been built and now not to finish the Lincoln - Omaha connection is just bad.

I compare it to leaving out the middle section of the Omaha-CB pedestrian bridge.
