You old school True Wheelers remember Joe McNerney? He was the top dog on the MTB scene in the mid 90's until he signed on with K2 back when there was money in the sport. Anybody remember his going away party, "Joepalooza", at the Wolford's place? I bumped into him at a local race last year. He lives right up the street from me. He's still pretty fast for a "recreational pro." I'll be riding with him quite a bit this year as he got me a hook up on his team, SoCoVelo. Joe McNerney, a class act and an ambassador to the sport.
do they have a wheel chair class in soco?
Are you still in the the "Pro /Sport" category? Also, well you continue to pick your races based on who isn't gonna show up?
No fellas, you wont see my tired self in the wheelchair or pro/sport class this year. Going to take the year off from mtb racing. The knee surgery pushed me over the edge, will probably get married, buy a house, and start a new business venture. Hope to come into some of kind of form by the fall and hit a few cyclo cross races.
remember when LtD stole your pillow on ragbrai???
I remember Joepalooz! And wondering how many people lived at that house. Remember the wall of family photos? What a fun post McG. It is great to see a pic of Joe. He looks well. Say HI for me next time you see him. HOpe you are recovering well. ~Anne
It wasn't Joepalooza. It was Joestock, but it was a great party. I was Joe's roommate at the time. Been trying to track him down and just googled him and ended up here. If you have contact with him, could you pass him my email. It's 'mattj@barleysbar.com'.
Matt Johnson
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