Hey, lovers of the beer...Omaha finally has a honest-to-goodness BEER STORE! Beertopia, located at 3570 Farnam (next to Crescent Moon). I saw an ad in the WH this morning and had to check it out. In their words "Drink globally, buy locally...325 stocked beer...over 60 new beers that are not available anywhere else in Nebraska...new beers arriving daily..." Yeah, they have a wide selection! I picked up a sixer of Rogue Santa's Private Reserve Ale and a sixer of Boulevard Nutcracker. For you hops fans, they have
Breckenridge Small Batch 471 IPA, which is supposed to be ohpurdygood! I'll definately be frequenting this store...
Mmmm beer stores.
I thought the Nutcracker was just ok this year. That Breck brew is good.
sounds like way too much to chose from. almost pushing me to drink cheap unassuming brew for the sake of simplicity. do they have a beer-o-the-week club?
It's the goods, picked up a sixer of New Castle and a 750 of La Fin Du Monde the other week, good stuff.
The Moon has a new Belgian pub next door too.
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