Wednesday, March 05, 2008

TNR for March 6

Thursday Night Ride for March 6th:

Scheduled temps to be in low 30s to high 20s for the ride, winds out the ENE, 9-12mph.  Trails are still drying out so we gotta hit pavement.  My idea: Meet at Trek Store, head north on keystone, then west at Boyd Street, through neighborhoods to the top of the West Papio trail.  Take west papio southeast to intersection with keystone, then return to Trek Store.  This is approx 1.5-2 hrs depending on who shows up.  Food to follow.

If you have other ideas/routes I'd entertain them.  This is probably the most ride-friendly Thurs night we've had in awhile, lets get on it. 


Shim said...

You up for the gravel? I'm back in town.

Mark Savery said...

I'd be game for gravel or pavement. I better get my light plugged in. Crap it's still at the shop. Oh wait, thank god for quick chargers, 2.5 hrs and I'm good to go. Let me know where we're meeting.

Zach said...

when do the taco rides start up?

anyone know?

RF said...

driving to Shim's during Rush hour sounds like a good time.

Nah, I'm open to gravel.

RF said...

i take it back. my sinus infection has come back (never gone really, despite $300 of antibiotics)

If bike mechanics could operate with such crapshoot trial and error as my doctors, we'd never finish a ride.

so i gotta do a real easy ride tonight. i'm gonna stay onpavement.

Tim Wieland said...

I should be able to make it for a pavement ride Ryan (if you don't mind the pace riding with a single speeder). Still want to meet at the Trek store at 6:00 and roll at 6:15?

KEV said...

Can't make it tonight. I will be riding gravel Friday from 4:00pm until 6:15pm. E-mail me if your interested.

ajb said...

Taco starts up when the weather permits... may be some die-hards out already.